Aimer's Organic - Wildflower Shade Mixture - 60g
$9.95 CAD
6 left in stock
This high quality, unique blend of annual, biennial and perennial flowers have been specifically selected for their ability to brightly bloom in semi-shaded areas. Ideal as an alternative to traditional lawns or for brightening semi-shaded areas of the yard. Container will sow 20 sq. m. (200 sq.ft). Annuals: Cornflower, Annual Candytuft, Dwarf Plains Coreopsis, Five Spot Nemophila, Forget-Me-Not, Shirley Poppy. Biennial: Double Sweet William. Perennials: Columbine, Catchfly, Purple Coneflower, Ozark Sundrop, Shasta Daisy, Violet. This foil packet contains 20g (33%) seed mixture and 40g (67%) corn meal seed carrier.