Exclamation! London Planetree - Sycamore- 5 Gallon Potted Tree
$129.99 CAD
2 left in stock
The Exclamation! London Planetree is an excellent shade tree if you are looking for disease resistance and a tolerance of poor conditions. With beautiful green, brown and tan exfoliating bark that peels off in large chunks, Exclamation! is a hybrid of the American sycamore (Plantus x occidentalis) and the Asian Plantetree (Plantus Orientalis) that was created specifically for its ability to resist a number of diseases that commonly afflict shade trees. The leaves of Exclamation! are large and thick and the tree itself has an excellent pyramidal upright shape reaching heights of 60 ft. tall and 45 ft. wide by maturity, which occurs at around 40-45 years. Often times you'll see the London Planetree in urban plantings where it does well due to its tolerance of pollution, heat, and poor quality soil. Planetree are common in parking lot islands, medians, and other grassy strips where there is ample room for large trees. With their uncommon beauty and resemblance to the American Sycamore, they also make a wonderful shade tree for the yard and will look very natural in yards where other native trees are present. Unlike the native sycamore fruiting is much lighter, making it unnecessary to clean up after the tree.