Future Harvest Holland Secret Grow 500ml

Future Harvest Holland Secret Grow 500ml

$11.99 CAD

4 left in stock

Holland Secret is a complete 3-Part Fertilizer with all of the essential elements and trace minerals that a plant needs. It can be used with any grow medium (soil, coco or hydro) in any situation (cuttings, vegetative, flowering).

Our product is always sediment and urea free and pH buffered for ease of use. With Holland Secret, additives are used only to tweak and maximize performance.

Best of all Holland Secret really works! It is perfect for experts or novice growers as there is no need for individual fertilizers, because the three bottles, have a formula for all situations. Growers will experience no deficiencies when using Holland Secret alone. Without additives, many fertilizers on the market are not quite complete and when used in isolation can be found lacking, creating plant deficiencies.