'Orange Monarch' Crocus - 10 Bulbs/Pkg
$5.99 CAD
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Wow! This crocus was super popular last season so we’re so happy to offer it again: the only truly orange-coloured crocus available. ‘Orange’ you glad? Crocus - the first sign of Spring! What's lovelier than seeing their colourful heads poking through the soil? Snow Crocus are somewhat shorter in stature than the Large Flowering varieties and offer slightly pointed petals. And if you're checking the calendar they usually are one of the very first flowers to bloom in the spring. They come in all the traditional colours of purple, yellow and white as well as a few truly unique combinations. Their narrow leaves have an interesting silvery stripe down the middle. It's fun to watch how the blooms open wide on a sunny day and close up tight during rainy periods or when it cools down at night.