Orange Skipper Coneflower (Echinacea) - 1 Gallon Potted Perennial
$17.99 CAD
5 left in stock
It's hard to imagine a sunny garden without coneflowers, and this beauty from the Butterflies Coneflower Collection, named after the orange flowers and the skipper butterflies that visit and feed on its flowers, is one that certainly deserves consideration. Echinacea 'Orange Skipper' is a compact but vigorous grower that might reach 18 inches tall in bloom. Abundant daisy-like flowers with outward facing tangerine-orange petals surrounding a burnt-orange center cone are sure to brighten up the garden and have the butterflies flocking all summer long and into fall. If some spent flowers are left on the plant towards the end of the bloom season finches and other birds will feast on the seeds during fall and winter. Orange Skipper provides a spectacular show in any sunny summer border and the sturdy flowering stems are excellent for cutting and use in fresh or dried flower arrangements.