Tiger Eyes Sumac (Rhus typhina 'Tigereye Bailtiger') - 2 Gallon Potted Shrub
$39.99 CAD
3 left in stock
Considered to be a superior landscape plant to the species, thanks to its compact size, the quality of its golden foliage and its minimal suckering habit, award-winning Rhus Tiphina Tiger Eyes is a real standout! Changing with every season, the cut-leaf foliage of this deciduous, suckering shrub emerges chartreuse in spring, matures to bright yellow in the summer and everntually acquires striking orange and scarlet tones in fall. The leaves contrast extremely well with the purplish branches and stems. Cone-shaped panicles of green-yellow flowers bloom in early summer, followed on female plants by dark red fruit in fall. Rhus Tiphina Tiger Eyes is one of the most beautiful shrubs and is well displayed as an ornamental in many gardens. Grows up with spreading, suckering, upright habit, without being aggressive to 3-6 ft. tall and wide (90-180 cm). A full sun or part shade lover, this plant is easily grown in average, medium moisture, well-drained soils.